If you have high uric acid, then you can get the best benefits from bitter gourd juice


People who eat more protein and are unable to digest it properly have the problem of increasing purines. This means that the problem of uric acid increases and then it takes the form of gout over time. In such a situation, you have to make those changes in your diet that help in digesting purine and then speed up protein metabolism. One such vegetable is bitter gourd for high uric acid. As soon as the name of this vegetable comes, the problem of diabetes is first remembered. Whereas, this vegetable has many properties that can also be useful in other diseases. So, today we know the benefits of drinking bitter gourd juice in high uric acid.

  1. Purine accelerates metabolism

Drinking bitter gourd juice in high uric acid is first of all beneficial because it has a very high ability to digest purines. There are two reasons behind this, one is vitamin C and the other is its fiber and phage. It goes into the body and tries to remove the particles of purine and flushes it out. In this way, it reduces high uric acid and is helpful in protecting against the problem of gout.

  1. Reduces the risk of gout.

When purine starts to accumulate between bones, it creates a gap that people call gout. Bitter gourd is a powerhouse of iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. It also contains a good amount of calcium, beta-carotene and potassium. You can drink bitter gourd juice to fight gout. It reduces pain and helps keep your bones healthy from inside.

So, if you have a problem of high uric acid then take a bitter gourd and grind it. Then filter its juice and add lemon, black salt and salt to it. Then sit down and drink this juice. You can do this work once a day. Do this at least 3 times a week. You will see your problem decreasing.


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