Aman Chhabra


Exclusive articles:

Don’t you eat food without a mobile phone? Be careful, otherwise serious diseases can get caught

Today, the phone has started interfering in our lives so much that our attention is always on the phone while eating, drinking, getting up...

Sleeping in socks at night is dangerous! This infection can occur in nails and feet

For better sleep, the room needs slow light, slow music, a quiet atmosphere, while some people believe that wearing socks at night helps them...

पैरों में सूजन देती है इस अंग को नुकसान का संकेत, उपाय जानकर हैरान रह जाएंगे आप

पैरों में सूजन दिखने के साथ-साथ शरीर के इन हिस्सों में विशेष लक्षण दिखना किडनी फेल होने का संकेत है। ऐसे में कम पानी...

Does B12 deficiency cause acidity and are you troubled by your sour taste?

Are you troubled by acidity and you have regular sour ness? So in addition to diet and lifestyle, it can also be related to...

More cases of breast cancer are seen in younger women, AIIMS study reveals

Cases of breast cancer are spreading rapidly all over the world, millions of women lose their lives to this cancer every year. According to...


Benifits of Jatamasi: रिसर्च में आई चौंकाने वाली जानकारी, अब लैब में उगाई जा सकेंगी जटामांसी

Benifits of Jatamasi:भारतीय परंपरागत चिकित्सा पद्धतियों में इस्तेमाल की...

Ayush sector in 10 years: दस सालों में 8 गुना बढ़ी है आयुष इंडस्ट्री

Ayush sector in 10 years: आयुष मंत्रालय में मंत्री...

New Director of Goa AIIA: प्रो. सुजाता कदम बनी AIIA गोवा की नई डायरेक्टर

New Director of Goa AIIA: गोवा के ऑल इंडियन...