
Dengue terror is prevalent in many states of the country, know its types and how to identify it

Dengue disease is spread in many states including Delhi. The situation is such that you will find a large number of dengue patients in...

Learn how to make wax at home, a better way for hair removal

Many times the chemicals that we use for hair removal can do more harm than good. This can cause a rash on the hands...

If you want to color hair at home, follow these 8 tips, hair will not be damaged, color will last for months

Nowadays, the trend of hair coloring has increased a lot, especially among college-going boys and girls, there is a tremendous craze for hair coloring,...

झुर्रियों को दूर करने के लिए क्या खाएं, जानिए 4 फलों के फायदे

झुर्रियां कम करने वाले फल: समय के साथ हमारी त्वचा खराब होने लगती है। जीवनशैली और खान-पान से जुड़ी कमियां त्वचा को नुकसान पहुंचाती...

Follow these home remedies to get relief from burning sensation and pain in eyes due to Eye Flu

Even though the arrival of monsoon brings relief from the scorching heat, the fear of many serious diseases increases during this season. Cases of...

