Cambridge University study: Fasting is an effective way to prevent Alzheimer


Cambridge University study: Fasting is an effective way to prevent Alzheimer’s. People in India remain healthy due to thousands of years of scientific measures. Now a study by Cambridge University has also found that the health of the body improves through fasting. In India, fasting has been given great importance in Sanatan.
Cambridge University conducted a study on 24 people and found that those who were given only water to drink for 24 hours had very positive blood test results. There was a significant reduction in inflammatory cells after fasting. According to the people doing this research, fasting can be a better solution to reduce inflammation in the body, although they say that it is too early to consider it completely correct.
In Sanatan Dharma, fasting is said to be linked to God. Through this it has been said to keep the mind and body healthy. Now modern science has also started talking about curing diseases through it.
According to this research, swelling occurs in the body due to many reasons, sometimes swelling also occurs due to injury or infection. Sometimes it is also a sign of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.
In this research, 24 people were given a breakfast of 500 calories before starting the fast, after which they were kept on only water for the next 24 hours. Blood samples of all these people were taken before and after starting the fast.
When these people were given food after fasting, the aroic acid in their body went down. Tests in the lab revealed that the increase in this acid causes swelling in the body cells. If the level of this acid goes down then inflammation in the body cells will also reduce. According to research, fasting is a very effective way to improve health.


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