Do you know the benefits of lemon grass oil, ayurveda has as a painkiller?


Use of Lemon Grass Oil: Lemon grass is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. But, in Ayurveda, its biggest use is as a painkiller. People also use this oil (lemongrass benefits) to get relief from pain like foot pain, massage and migraine. Apart from this, there are many reasons why people can use lemon grass oil in many ways. So, know what kind of pain you can use lemon grass and how.

  1. Lemon grass oil for back pain

The use of lemon grass oil for back pain is beneficial in many ways. Actually, lemon grass oil soothes back pain and soothes neural pain. So, if you are having pain in your back then you heat this oil a little and massage your back with it.

  1. Lemon grass oil for muscle pain

The use of lemon grass oil for muscle pain can work quite effectively. It relieves the muscles and helps in reducing pain. Not only this, it also reduces muscle stiffness and cramps. So, heat lemon grass oil and massage the muscles that have pain every night.

  1. Lemon grass oil for pain in arthritis

The use of lemon grass oil for pain in arthritis is beneficial in many ways. This oil reduces inflammation between joints and reduces pain. So, if you have arthritis, cook a little clove in lemon grass oil and apply it on your joints that have pain.

  1. Lemon Grass Oil for Headaches

If you are having a severe headache then you can use lemon gram oil. Its smell will also make you feel relieved. Apart from this, this oil will also work as a mood booster and reduce pain. So, use this oil in headache and feel relief.


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