Should you eat bananas on an empty stomach or not? Aren’t you making this mistake anywhere?


Many people believe that eating bananas on an empty stomach before breakfast in the morning provides many benefits such as weight loss, stomach clean, good digestion, etc. But is this correct? Is it really beneficial to eat bananas on an empty stomach? Or can it cause any harm? Let’s know some myths and truths related to banana consumption.

Disadvantages of eating bananas on an empty stomach

Bananas are high in carbohydrates and calories, so eating bananas on an empty stomach can lead to weight gain, not loss. Bananas contain a lot of carbohydrates and energy. A medium-sized banana provides about 25-30 grams of carbohydrates and 90-105 calories.

Learn how to eat bananas

It is always advisable not to eat bananas alone but with breakfast or other foods. This is because bananas contain some carbohydrates that cause gas and bloating in digestion. These are called FODMAPs. They ferment in the intestines and produce gas. This can cause flatulence, pain and discomfort. Therefore, dietitians recommend that bananas should not be eaten alone but always eaten with another diet for breakfast. By doing this, there is no problem in digestion.

Why you should eat bananas during the day

It is advisable to consume bananas during the day so that its nutrients can be absorbed well. Also, banana calories can also be burned by day-to-day activity. The nutritional needs of every person are different, so bananas should be consumed according to their diet and routine. It is better to eat bananas after lunch or in the evening because it helps the body slowly. Energy keeps coming.



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