Headache and eye irritation, what is the effect of Poor AQI


The air of Delhi-NCR has become really toxic at this time. The AQI is at 309, which is a very poor level. In such a situation, many types of things can be seen in the body or many of you may be feeling these symptoms. Actually, due to poor air quality, your body will not be able to do its normal function properly. For example, first of all, it can affect the ability of your lungs to breathe. Apart from this, pollution particles also affect the eyes and other parts of the body, whose effect we can feel for a long time. As if you might have these problems these days.

  1. These 3 problems are not happening to you these days

Where the air quality is poor, people may feel more headaches. This is a very common symptom. Actually, excessive presence of chemicals compound in the air can cause headaches. Apart from this, when the amount of oxygen in the body is low and its circulation to the brain is affected, it can cause headaches.

  1. Irritation in the eyes

Actually, when the air is bad, the chemicals present in them cause irritation in the eyes. Such as pollutant particles containing chlorine compounds or PM2.5. In such a situation, it takes more effort to see the eyes and the air that appears blurry can cause irritation in the eyes.

  1. Problems related to sleep

Due to air pollution, the level of oxygen in the air decreases and the level of carbon dioxide increases. Due to this, the body has to work harder to breathe during sleep. Also, the circulation of oxygen is disturbed and can make you sick. It affects our ability to get a good night’s sleep, which can lead to many types of problems.

So, if you are feeling these symptoms then it is the effect of poor air quality. In such a situation, talk to an expert and if possible, install air purifiers in your homes. Apart from this, wear a mask and do breathing exercises when going out of the house.


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