Aman Chhabra


Exclusive articles:

It is better to drink tea or coffee in the morning

If we ask you what is the first thing you do in the morning, most people will say that you drink tea or take...

Learn how to make wax at home, a better way for hair removal

Many times the chemicals that we use for hair removal can do more harm than good. This can cause a rash on the hands...

If you want to color hair at home, follow these 8 tips, hair will not be damaged, color will last for months

Nowadays, the trend of hair coloring has increased a lot, especially among college-going boys and girls, there is a tremendous craze for hair coloring,...

Do you also have pain in your joints, babool ki fali have an accurate cure for it?

Acacia pods (babool ki fali) are the solution to many health-related problems in Ayurveda. Actually, it is known as Healing Tree and is the...

गर्भावस्था में समस्याएं हो रही हैं? तो बच्चे की रक्षा करेंगे ये सुपरफूड्स

शादी के बाद गर्भधारण करने में परेशानी होना इन दिनों एक आम बात हो गई है। कई बार गर्भवती होने के बाद बार-बार गर्भपात...


Benifits of Jatamasi: रिसर्च में आई चौंकाने वाली जानकारी, अब लैब में उगाई जा सकेंगी जटामांसी

Benifits of Jatamasi:भारतीय परंपरागत चिकित्सा पद्धतियों में इस्तेमाल की...

Ayush sector in 10 years: दस सालों में 8 गुना बढ़ी है आयुष इंडस्ट्री

Ayush sector in 10 years: आयुष मंत्रालय में मंत्री...

New Director of Goa AIIA: प्रो. सुजाता कदम बनी AIIA गोवा की नई डायरेक्टर

New Director of Goa AIIA: गोवा के ऑल इंडियन...