Does B12 deficiency cause acidity and are you troubled by your sour taste?


Are you troubled by acidity and you have regular sour ness? So in addition to diet and lifestyle, it can also be related to your stomach. Actually, when you have problems related to the stomach, this acidity is more. Consider it as a high production of acid in the stomach, which has survived even after digesting food and it is coming out in the form of sour taste. In such a situation, vitamin B12 deficiency can play a different role in this situation. It affects acid production in your body and can cause these problems related to the stomach. How, you know.

Research published in the American Medical Association Journal has found a link between heartburn and vitamin B-12 deficiency. Sour taste and acidity are actually under gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When there is a lack of B-12 in your body, the absorption of acid in the body can stop, which can bother you with sour taste and acidity. Think of it as something that is being produced in the body and the body is not able to absorb it, then it starts accumulating, like acid juice which brings it to the state of GERD. Apart from this, B-12 is also associated with H-2-receptor blockers which help in controlling acid production. In such a situation, due to its lack in the body, gastric acid starts to get in the blood, which can lead to acid reflux.

How toavoid B12 deficiency We can prevent vitamin B12 deficiency by consuming foods and beverages containing vitamin B12. For this, we can consume animal food products such as red meat, fish, meat, eggs, milk and other dairy products. All of them contain a good amount of vitamin B12. So, if acidity is high then see a doctor and try to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency.


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