High blood pressure: Beware! These 5 things to eat are the enemy of your life, can increase blood pressure


Food Cause of Hypertension: Nowadays diseases like high blood pressure, sugar and thyroid have increased a lot. Once these diseases arise in the body, they have to suffer throughout life. High blood pressure and sugar disease gradually weaken other parts of our body. That is why they are also called silent killers. If you want to avoid these diseases, then take the most care of your diet. There are many things in our daily diet that can cause blood pressure problems. You can not avoid these things, but you can definitely choose a healthy option of them. With this, you can protect yourself and your family from a dangerous disease like blood pressure.

If you want to stay away from blood pressure, then change these 5 things to eat.

In today’s lifestyle, our diet has become the worst. It has become difficult to avoid adulteration in food items, excess salt, excess sugar, oily food, junk food and packed. These are the things that also cause blood pressure disease. You can not remove them from the diet at all, but you can definitely choose their healthy option.

Salt in high blood pressure – Salt should be used sparingly to cause high blood pressure problems or once it is done. If you want to eat salt, then use pink rock salt, rock salt, Himalayan salt or black salt in the mine instead of ordinary salt. If you want, you can use different salts by changing them. These salts are less dangerous than ordinary salt.

If you want to control blood pressure and sugar, do not use white sugar. However, sugar is the most used among the things available in the market. So try to eat only homemade things and use jaggery, sugar powder, honey or desi khand and bura instead of sugar in them. Tea contains the most sugar, so drink tea with jaggery sugar.

Oil is becoming the cause of high blood pressure – Excess and bad oil is dangerous for our heart and body. Especially do not use refined oil at all. These are processed oils that accumulate in the arteries. Eating too much oil can cause blood pressure problems. So use your local oil. Eat cold compressed oil instead of refined. Use desi bilona ghee or use olive oil.

Flour can increase blood pressure – Flour has been included in the diet in such a way that it is difficult to avoid it. If you eat outside food, then flour is used in everything. To avoid this, eat things made at home. In this, you can use wheat flour instead of maida. Eat multigrain bread instead of just wheat flour bread. Replace the flour items with flour in your home.

Junk and packaged food is dangerous – whether there is a problem of blood pressure or any other disease, doctors first refuse to eat junk food. This directly affects our immunity. Many types of preservatives are added to junk food which are harmful to health. Apart from this, the amount of salt and sugar is also high in them. Many times they use bad oil and flour which cause blood pressure and other dangerous diseases. If you feel like eating too much, then drink homemade pizza, burger, pasta, noodles or juice.


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