Keep stress away with easy methods of Ayurveda


These days, mental stress has become a big problem all over the world. There has been a significant increase in the number of mental patients in India since Corona. While in modern medicine this disease is treated after it occurs, in Ayurveda there is a very easy way to ensure that no person gets this disease.
According to Prof. Mahesh Dadhich, Principal of MSM Institute of Ayurveda, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila University, to remove stress, first of all organize your daily routine, if you feel like crying then do not stop yourself from crying, along with this, take care of yourself. Keep talking to friends, colleagues and family members continuously. If you are feeling any kind of mental pressure, then immediately wake up early in the morning and start walking. Also start doing yoga. Morning walk and yoga strengthen you mentally, if you have any kind of anxiety then yoga can relieve you from it. Along with this, if you also meditate, it will give very good results.
According to the data of National Institute of Mental Health, about three percent of people in India are suffering from mental problems. Whereas five percent people have faced these problems at one time or the other. It is being estimated that in the coming years, the number of patients suffering from mental illnesses in India may increase significantly, hence, by adopting Ayurveda, such diseases can be easily kept away.


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