Vaidya Kritika Upadhyay


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कोल्हू से निकला सरसों का तेल बचा सकता है कैंसर जैसी ख़तरनाक बीमारियों से

अगर आप परम्परागत लकड़ी के कोल्हू से निकले हुए सरसों के तेल (Mustard oil extracted from traditional wooden crusher) का इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो...

Panjiri and jaggery are powerhouses of nutrition for new mothers

The Ministry of AYUSH has advised new mothers to consume products made from jaggery and millet. This improves the health of both mother and...

Why should one drink water in a copper vessel?

Benefits of Drinking Water in Copper Vessel: Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and eating disorders, the problem of stomach upset is increasing among people....

Skin can be easily kept healthy through Ayurveda

To overcome skin problems, we buy expensive products from big brands, but many times these problems increase instead of reducing. In such a situation,...

Why Ram Lalla is bathed with water containing Ayurvedic medicines

Ram Lalla's Pran Pratishtha in the Ram temple of Ayodhya on Monday, 22nd January. In this Pran Pratistha, Ram Lalla is being coated with...


Benifits of Jatamasi: रिसर्च में आई चौंकाने वाली जानकारी, अब लैब में उगाई जा सकेंगी जटामांसी

Benifits of Jatamasi:भारतीय परंपरागत चिकित्सा पद्धतियों में इस्तेमाल की...

Ayush sector in 10 years: दस सालों में 8 गुना बढ़ी है आयुष इंडस्ट्री

Ayush sector in 10 years: आयुष मंत्रालय में मंत्री...

New Director of Goa AIIA: प्रो. सुजाता कदम बनी AIIA गोवा की नई डायरेक्टर

New Director of Goa AIIA: गोवा के ऑल इंडियन...