Ayush Pharma

New research found that Giloy works wonders in healing the liver

Pharma lobby has been continuously spreading false propaganda regarding Giloy, but meanwhile, research has been done on Giloy (Tinospora cordofolia) in modern medicine itself,...

Campaign against allopathy medicine which gives pain instead of relieving pain

This time, Ayurveda doctors have launched a campaign against the pharma lobby which often raises questions on Ayurveda medicines. For the first time, Ayurveda...

कैंसर के इलाज के लिए देश का पहला निजी आयुर्वेद अस्पताल खोलने जा रहा है टाटा

आयुर्वेद के जरिए कैंसर के इलाज को लेकर चल रही बहस के बीच टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल ने खोपोली महाराष्ट्र में आयुर्वेद आधारित कैंसर के...

Drink water of mint leaves on an empty stomach in the morning, will never bother constipation problem

Due to poor lifestyle and diet, our metabolism has slowed down. Due to this, the dirt of the intestines is increasing and the stool...

Why does liver infection occur, know what to do

Liver infection is a serious disease in which the liver becomes infected. In this, there is a problem of inflammation in the liver and...

